Heroic Viticulture

Heroic viticulture refers to those cultivations that take place in distinct locations due to slopes of more than 30%, altitudes of more than 500 metres above sea level or cultivations on terraces and steps. Also characteristic of the Prünent cure and the Stratta family.
But it is not (only) the etymology of the word heroic that defines the style, choices and attitude of the Stratta family. Indeed, where possible, traditional row cultivation. Once again, this brings with it the exclusive manual dexterity of the vine-grower. Because it is our task to select and work in tandem with Nature: toppia or filare according to what best suits the terroir and the work. With respect for both.

The Prünent

The most unknown face of Nebbiolo is hidden in Val D'Ossola, where the Piedmontese gastronomy is waiting to be discovered. There, Prünent reigns supreme, the definition of an indigenous variety, traces of which can be found as far back as 1309, and an unprecedented perspective on the king of Piedmontese vines: the freshness, savouriness and minerality that only the mountain land can bestow are added to the rose and violet, spices and mild balsamic notes typical of Nebbiolo, in an unparalleled intensity. The temperature range between day and night, on the other hand, punctuates our work and makes the entire variety unique.

High bunches

Another Nebbiolo, literally. The same grape variety that originates the certainly better known Nebbiolo, Barbaresco and Barolo, here in the Ossola Valley, generates Prünent. A name that, not surprisingly, according to various hypotheses, seems to derive from the Latin word ‘pruina’, meaning the frost, or fog, that covers its purple grapes at dawn. However, it is also a Nebbiolo that is more difficult to cultivate, as befits mountain viticulture: its vines are forced into small plots and terracing, i.e. the typical dry-stone walls, as well as being worked solely by hand. Limited productions, in short, make Prünent a rare label, resulting from all the production techniques and efforts of which we are capable. Because it takes a great deal of knowledge of this valley to cultivate vines here, but even more to do so in a truly sustainable manner.

Pergola training

Sustainability that seems intrinsic to Prünent, starting with its its historical method of cultivation: the toppia, or tòpia, the traditional vine pergola. Following the natural inclination of the land, it optimises the little space available by creating one underneath, historically used for the cultivation of rye, potatoes and hay. A system that peasant ingenuity made its own to adapt to the mountains, but which today is becoming more ecological, protecting the clusters with more shade. A forerunner form of shielding against overheating.