We do not like to call ourselves heroes, but people who, with talent, vision and, of course, technology, have chosen to value and bring out the intrinsic peculiarities of the mountains.

The expression ‘Heroic Agriculture’ refers to all those cultivations that require an extra effort compared to the application of traditional agronomic and agricultural practices. Heroic Agriculture, to be considered as such, is the expression of peasant labourers in places characterised by extreme morphological and pedoclimatic conditions.
These indications are also typical of the places where DEA is based. And specifically, of the mountains. The Val d'Ossola, and once again its terroir, and thus the natural, physical and chemical conditions, give the agri-food products made here unique characteristics, a synthesis of the taste of a rich soil. By Nature. Thus heroic lands, unique terroirs, human skills and chosen technologies define a new balance that finds concreteness in DEA.