Cultivation in the mountains

Crocus sativus - scientific name of the prized bulb- loves, and expresses itself best, when winters are coldest and summers warm, a temperature range typical of this area. At at the same time, saffron suffers, during its phenological and growth, water stagnation and high humidity. A risk that, in the Ossola Valley, is not run. Our cultivation develops at the bottom of the valley, where the flowers face the mountains. A soil we have chosen because it is sandy and rich in iron, just as this precious bulb demands.
Only in this way, at the end of autumn and with the onset of winter, can the soil welcome the purple that dot the fields. Flowers, artistic and chromatic exercises, which cure the eyes and are ready to promise the same effect in dishes.

The role of man

175,000 flowers, 700 hours of manual labour, 400 of which are needed just to separate the stigmas. Numbers which define what is needed to produce one kilo of saffron, the most valuable of the bulbs.
It is not a question of budgets but of time: that which man dedicates to the cultivation of the precious saffron. But once again, in the case of DEA, it is the mountain that gives it its absolute value.

Beneficial properties

Rich in antioxidants: saffron helps fight oxidative stress in the body, supporting general health general health. But that's not all. Saffron contributes to everyday happiness: it is said to helps improve mood and alleviate symptoms of depression. Useful also for its anti-inflammatory properties, it also aids digestion and improves cardiovascular health. In short, an ally of well-being.

In the kitchen

Starters, main courses, desserts or infusions. The best known of all interpretations is for risotto, whereby the stigmas of the precious bulb can be incorporated into the hot stock so as to cook the rice into a creamy and enveloping dish. But saffron also goes well with tomato or legume soups. Try it in puddings, ice cream or spoon desserts. O simply to flavour butter.